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fitness Your favorite gym equipment?

This general fitness thread covers all aspects of fitness, including workouts, nutrition, wellness tips, lifestyle changes, and fitness advice.


Junior Member
Oct 11, 2024
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Anyone who's going to the gym to workout have a goal they want to achieve. This makes them to have favourites gym tool for working out.

There's no way they will be in the gym without working out using those tools because it makes one feel well accomplished after the session.

Personally, I love using trademill and dumbells. I can't go to the gym without using both of them for my workouts.

What's your favourite gym tools?
Before, I was all about flat and incline barbell benchpress.
Personally, I love using trademill and dumbells.
But I moved into dumbbells for convenience and noticed relative strength went down in comparison to a barbell. I researched why, and there are muscles required to stabilize. So, my goal was to always get back up to 100 kg / 215 lbs with dumbbells or the closest would be 50 kg / 105 lbs at the two gyms I go to, but I could never hit the maximum reps I could do on the bar before C-19 hit and they all shut down.

It's much easier to stay in the dumbbell rack by going from benching them to doing tricep kickbacks or overhead raises than setting up a bench, and using more time than necessary to break it back down.

So, I'd say the necessities now are dumbbells, and of course, the dreaded treadmill to burn off more or gain endurance. Even for the back, and sometimes legs if the squat rack is taken.
Dumbbells have to be top of the list. You can do so much with them. You can use them for strength training, use them to enhance your core training, use them during cardio, and so much more.

If you need ideas, you can look them up online and see all the different exercises you can do with them .
If I use my favourite gym equipment, it boosts motivation, and I find workouts very interesting. Besides dumbbells, I love the kettlebells as well. They are pretty good for full-body workouts, and they also help me track my progress.
If you like strength training like me, you might want to add equipment like deadlift, squat rack and pull up bar to your list. I recommend them based on what I use myself and that was how I was able to keep my strength up.
Personally, I love using trademill and dumbells. I can't go to the gym without using both of them for my workouts.
To achieve the desirable result when you work out, you need to be consistent. I like Treadmill and dumbbells. I use them a lot of times as they are a great combo for a full-body workout.

It's much easier to stay in the dumbbell rack by going from benching them to doing tricep kickbacks or overhead raises than setting up a bench, and using more time than necessary to break it back down.
I think I understand where you are coming from. It’s more like saving time by thinking smartly which would help in maximizing your workout efficiency. I should give that a try too
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